- September 28, 2020
What Keeps You Up At Night?

I have been worried about too many things and sometimes it keeps me awake at night! I am on a Keto diet! I do not eat carbs. Well at least I am not supposed to! I am not sure if I miss them or not! I do like a great sandwich on sourdough. And the classic PBJ on white bread! OK now I am hungry!
What is wrong with me! I don’t know if I am losing weight because my scale is broken. I do know I don’t have trouble buttoning my jeans! So what are the benefits to dieting? Eating things I would not normally eat? Going to lunch with friends and saying I am not that hungry because I order a salad! Sometimes I dread going into detail about explaining things that pertain to me!
I will just do my best and try to not think about the food I miss! Oh Heck!! I think I will get up and order a delivery pizza! I sure hope they stay open late at night!