- May 18, 2020
Global Pandemic Has Many Wondering Where to Store Food and Water

Since the news about the coronavirus first broke in late February many people have been stockpiling food water and other resources in order to get ahead of the Innovative ball quarantine. Most people have been stocking up on non-perishables, but now that many states are going into full lockdown people are needing to buy food items that might perish in large quantities. This problem has brought to light an issue that most First World countries never thought they would experience: most households do not have a reliable place to store perishable food items or water.
In the states that have gone into a full lockdown situation, many people have been forced to stay at their homes and have not been able to go to the store and pick up groceries. This has caused many people to create large stockpiles of food water and other resources in their homes. even in states that are not in lockdown many people are taking it upon themselves to prepare for the inevitable by purchasing large quantities of food and water. This is not a good idea for a number of reasons but the most prominent is that many homes do not have a reliable place to store perishable food items, this can lead to waste food and other resources that could be used to help multiple people.
Many people have different opinions on the stockpiling of food and water Beyond according to our research it seems that the people who are most likely to stockpile are not young people, but instead people in their late 40s and 50s, or the baby boomer generation. “ we just don’t know what’s going to happen so I feel like it’s important to make sure that we have all our bases covered in terms of my household so I’ve been going to the store and buying four weeks of groceries at a time which I just store in my pantry.” said Doris McDevitt a sixty-year-old woman from Michigan. young people however are voicing a different opinion. “ I don’t really think it’s necessary for us to stockpile huge amounts of food because it creates a supply shock and our local grocery stores and makes the prices rise so that people who can’t afford to stockpile are now having to pay double for resources that they need like baby formula fruits and vegetables and other things that go bad.” this was stated by Avery Truex, 19-year-old living in the Michigan area.
In the end…If you’re going to stockpile food and/or water then stopover to barrel-company.com and find yourself some good airtight storage containers and keep your food in a dry cool area.